You can use stdarg.h to create one-liner with Serial.prints: #include Option 1 is most effective, since it directly prints arguments to the output char by char (see Arduino Print class) and traverses the arguments only once. Option 2 creates object from string, then applies + operator to create a new string, then prints it - it is comfortable with short strings, but least efficient (depends on the compiler optimalizations).

The other problem is that first you build the string, then you print the output, the program traverses the string twice. The wrong thig with option 3 is the buffer length, you should use snprintf instead. Other classes in the library are BufferedPrint and ChunkedPrint. Sb.print("this text doesn't fit in the remaining space in the buffer")
Arduino code language print to console serial#
In setup (), start serial and choose your speed: Serial.begin (9600) Wherever you want to write to serial: Serial. I'm just reading the values of the X axis of the Nunchuck's joystick and mapping the values to 0-255. I just got a Nunchucky (a simple breakout board to use the Wiimote Nunchuck peripheral) today, along with an Arduino Mega, and wanted to test both out. The vague sort-of answer at the end left me to explore the example code to find the answer. I'm trying to make a simple project that lets someone control the RGB values of an RGB LED with a Wii Nunchuck. It is available in StreamLib in library manager. I ran into this topic because I had the same question. It enables to build the c-string with printf and with Print functions, which can print float or IPAddress.

A variable can be named any word that is not already one of the keywords in the Arduino language. Variable names like var or value, on the other hand, do little to make the code readable and are only used here as examples. I created a simple CStringBuilder class to combine the first and third approach mentioned in your question. reading the code to understand what the variable represents.